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【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 1 How's the weather? (00:24:20) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 2 It's getting warmer. (00:25:13) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 3 The sun is rising. (00:25:44) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 4 The spring city (00:21:22) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 5 Babysitting on a spring day (00:25:34) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 1《Spring is coming.》Lesson 6 Stories about spring (00:22:09) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 7 Planting Trees (00:33:30) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 8 Why are plants important? (00:28:46) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 9 Gardening with Mary (00:23:49) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 10 Make your garden grow! (00:24:31) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 11 Amazing plants (00:32:05) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 2《Plant a Plant》Lesson 12 Danny's plant (00:27:10) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 13 Danny's Big Scare (00:29:32) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 14 Amazing Animals (00:23:06) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open! (00:26:32) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 16 The Bear Escaped! (00:27:44) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 17 Save the Tigers (00:25:22) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 3《Animals Are Our Friends.》Lesson 18 Friendship Between Animals (00:28:33) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 八年级英语八册Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet? (00:30:53) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 20 A Computer Helps! (00:23:45) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 21 Books or Computers? (00:25:55) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet (00:25:16) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 23 The Internet - Good or Bad? (00:24:41) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 4《The Internet Connects Us》Lesson 24 An E-mail to Grandpa (00:25:28) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 25 Raising Money (00:28:43) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 26 Cookies, please! (00:24:06) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 27 Business English (00:22:43) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 28 Ms. Liu's Great Idea (00:27:47) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 29 How to Push a Product? (00:21:23) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 5《Buying and Selling》Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale (00:28:27) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 31 Don't fall, Danny! (00:28:55) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 32 My Favourite Record (00:38:42) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 33 2800 Years of Sports (00:37:53) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 34 Modern Olympics (00:26:00) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 35 The Dream Team (00:26:02) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 6《Be a Champion》Lesson 36 Classroom Olympics (00:27:16) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 37 Let's learn geography (00:36:22) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 38 The world is a big place geography (00:45:33) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 39 Ring up or call (00:36:14) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 40 Body language (00:24:58) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 41 A class of the world (00:19:45) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 7《Know our world》Lesson 42 North America (00:36:13) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 43 Let's clean up (00:34:05) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 44 Environment clubs (00:25:06) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 45 Let's sort garbage. (00:24:36) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 46 Protect our environment. (00:33:26) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 47 Connected to nature (00:25:00) 购买本节课(¥10.00) 【免费试听】 Unit 8《Save our world》Lesson 48 Garbage is interesting (00:32:51) 购买本节课(¥10.00)

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