

当前位置:首页 > 全部课程 > 《外研版八年级英语上册《特价》》 > 1. Module1 Unit1 Let s try to speak English as much as possible
  1. 外研版八年级英语上册《特价》(37课时)

    1. 视频
      1. Module1 Unit1 Let s try to speak English as much as possible
      免费试听 00:22:12
    2. 视频
      2. Module1 Unit2 You should smile at her`
      免费试听 00:18:02
    3. 视频
      3. Module1 Unit3 Language in use(第一课时)
      免费试听 00:17:21
    4. 视频
      4. Module1 Unit3 Language in use(第二课时)
      免费试听 00:21:42
    5. 视频
      6. Module2 Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England
      免费试听 00:30:29
    6. 视频
      5. Module2 Unit1 It s taller than many other buildings
      免费试听 00:30:24
    7. 视频
      7. Module2 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:25:17
    8. 视频
      8. Module2 Unit3 Language in use_1
      免费试听 00:30:59
    9. 视频
      9. Module3 Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis
      免费试听 00:28:32
    10. 视频
      11. Module3 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:31:38
    11. 视频
      10. Module3 Unit2 This year we are training more carefully
      免费试听 00:30:25
    12. 视频
      12. Module4 Unit1 He lives the farthest from school
      免费试听 00:24:12
    13. 视频
      14. Module4 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:23:59
    14. 视频
      13. Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel
      免费试听 00:35:57
    15. 视频
      15. Module5 Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera
      免费试听 00:30:38
    16. 视频
      17. Module5 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:26:51
    17. 视频
      16. Module5 Unit2 It describes the changes in Chinese society
      免费试听 00:35:30
    18. 视频
      18. Module6 Unit1 It allows people to get closer to them
      免费试听 00:30:40
    19. 视频
      19. Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all
      免费试听 00:24:35
    20. 视频
      20. Module6 Unit3 Language use
      免费试听 00:24:36
    21. 视频
      21. Module7 Unit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river
      免费试听 00:20:32
    22. 视频
      22. Module7 Unit2 She was thinking about her cat
      免费试听 00:31:34
    23. 视频
      23. Module8 Unit1 While the lights were changing to red,a car suddenly appear
      免费试听 00:23:46
    24. 视频
      24. Module8 Unit2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again
      免费试听 00:33:45
    25. 视频
      25. Module8 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:31:02
    26. 视频
      27. Module9 Unit2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people
      免费试听 00:22:44
    27. 视频
      26. Module9 Unit1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion
      免费试听 00:28:07
    28. 视频
      28. Module9 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:20:41
    29. 视频
      29. Module10 Unit1 It might snow
      免费试听 00:26:10
    30. 视频
      31. Module10 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:20:17
    31. 视频
      30. Module10 Unit2 The weather is fine all year round
      免费试听 00:19:58
    32. 视频
      32. Module11 Unit1 In China , we open a gift later
      免费试听 00:22:44
    33. 视频
      34. Module11 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:21:16
    34. 视频
      33. Module11 Unit2 In England, you usually drink tea with milk
      免费试听 00:26:00
    35. 视频
      35. Module12 Unit1 What should we do before help arrives
      免费试听 00:27:46
    36. 视频
      37. Module12 Unit3 Language in use
      免费试听 00:22:23
    37. 视频
      36. Module12 Unit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture
      免费试听 00:22:35

外研版八年级英语上册《特价》 ¥38.80

0人已学习 好评度 0% 试看前 4 分钟,完整观看本节课请 立即购买 (5.00元)






1 沁园春 长沙

2 (立在地球边上放号 红烛 *峨日朵雪峰之侧 *致云雀)

2.1 立在地球边上放号

2.2 红烛

2.3 *峨日朵雪峰之侧

2.4 *致云雀

3 (百合花 *哦,香雪)

3.1 百合花

3.2 *哦,香雪


4 (喜看稻菽千重浪――记首届国家最高科技奖获得者袁隆平 *心有一团火,温暖众人心 *“探界者”钟扬)

4.1 喜看稻菽千重浪――记首届国家最高科技奖获得者袁隆平

4.2 *心有一团火,温暖众人心

4.3 *“探界者”钟扬

5 以工匠精神雕琢时代品质

6 (芣苢 文氏外孙入村收麦)

6.1 芣苢

6.2 文氏外孙入村收麦


7(短歌行 *归园田居(其一))

7.1 短歌行

7.2 *归园田居(其一)

8(梦游天姥吟留别 登高 *琵琶行并序)

8.1 梦游天姥吟留别

8.2 登高

8.3 *琵琶行并序

9(念奴娇·赤壁怀古 *永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古 *声声慢(寻寻觅觅))

9.1 念奴娇·赤壁怀古

9.2 *永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古

9.3 *声声慢(寻寻觅觅)

第四单元 家乡文化生活


一 记录家乡的人和物

二 家乡文化生活现状调查

三 参与家乡文化建设

第五单元 整本书阅读



10(劝学 *师说)

10.1 劝学

10.2 *师说

11 反对党八股(节选)

12 拿来主义

13(*读书:目的和前提 *上图书馆)

13.1 *读书:目的和前提

13.2 *上图书馆


14(故都的秋 *荷塘月色)

14.1 故都的秋

14.2 *荷塘月色

15 我与地坛(节选)

16(赤壁赋 *登泰山记)

16.1 赤壁赋

16.2 *登泰山记




一 丰富词语积累

二 把握古今词义的联系与区别

三 词义的辨析和词语







【免费试听】 1. Module1 Unit1 Let s try to speak English as much as possible (00:22:12) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 2. Module1 Unit2 You should smile at her` (00:18:02) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 3. Module1 Unit3 Language in use(第一课时) (00:17:21) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 4. Module1 Unit3 Language in use(第二课时) (00:21:42) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 6. Module2 Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England (00:30:29) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 5. Module2 Unit1 It s taller than many other buildings (00:30:24) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 7. Module2 Unit3 Language in use (00:25:17) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 8. Module2 Unit3 Language in use_1 (00:30:59) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 9. Module3 Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis (00:28:32) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 11. Module3 Unit3 Language in use (00:31:38) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 10. Module3 Unit2 This year we are training more carefully (00:30:25) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 12. Module4 Unit1 He lives the farthest from school (00:24:12) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 14. Module4 Unit3 Language in use (00:23:59) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 13. Module4 Unit2 What is the best way to travel (00:35:57) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 15. Module5 Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera (00:30:38) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 17. Module5 Unit3 Language in use (00:26:51) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 16. Module5 Unit2 It describes the changes in Chinese society (00:35:30) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 18. Module6 Unit1 It allows people to get closer to them (00:30:40) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 19. Module6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all (00:24:35) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 20. Module6 Unit3 Language use (00:24:36) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 21. Module7 Unit1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river (00:20:32) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 22. Module7 Unit2 She was thinking about her cat (00:31:34) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 23. Module8 Unit1 While the lights were changing to red,a car suddenly appear (00:23:46) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 24. Module8 Unit2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again (00:33:45) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 25. Module8 Unit3 Language in use (00:31:02) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 27. Module9 Unit2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people (00:22:44) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 26. Module9 Unit1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion (00:28:07) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 28. Module9 Unit3 Language in use (00:20:41) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 29. Module10 Unit1 It might snow (00:26:10) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 31. Module10 Unit3 Language in use (00:20:17) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 30. Module10 Unit2 The weather is fine all year round (00:19:58) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 32. Module11 Unit1 In China , we open a gift later (00:22:44) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 34. Module11 Unit3 Language in use (00:21:16) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 33. Module11 Unit2 In England, you usually drink tea with milk (00:26:00) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 35. Module12 Unit1 What should we do before help arrives (00:27:46) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 37. Module12 Unit3 Language in use (00:22:23) 购买本节课(¥5.00) 【免费试听】 36. Module12 Unit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture (00:22:35) 购买本节课(¥5.00)

刘老师 总共3480个课程


